Razvan A. Avatar
Razvan A.
5 star rating
This was one of the most awesome things we did in Gran Canaria. If you like cars, speed and a bit of adrenaline this is the place for you. First of all the folks were super nice and we made the booking in advance with ease. On the day we were collected from our hotel by the nicest person ever ( for some reason I cannot remember his name) who drove us to the track and on route talked to us about what we should do, answered questions and put us at ease regarding what is to come. At the track we got to meet Sami who was the instructor responsible for us. After doing a bit of admin business ( selecting the package, the cars and some other details) we were ready to rumble. First of all we tried the super car experience. My wife drove the Ferrari Spider ( paddle gears ) and I took for a spin both the Porche GT3 ( manual ) and the Nissan GTR ( paddles). All of them were quite amazing but the Nissan takes the prize for most fun. They have 5 different super cars you can pick from. A normal session includes a ride along the track with the instructor, some warmup lap with you driving and then a number of laps where you drive as fast as you feel safe with the instructor giving you pointers and ensuring you're not going to crash the super car. This was super super awesome and I definitely would do it again. Maybe this time I could actually use the Porche as it was meant ( need to get better at driving manual on a track). The second part of our adventure was driving a large number of laps in a Mazda (prepared a bit for racing) and learning a lot about the right way to approach cornering, breaking, etc. A lot to learn and also a very fun experience. At the end of our day at the track Paul took us out in the Ariel Atom ( think a kart on steroids) and drove us some laps around the track. This gentleman is a professional race driver and you get to understand why. He will drive this mini rocket at 200Km/h ( top speed) around the track (very safely) and all I could do was laugh like a maniac. This was a great experience. All the people we met treated us with kindness and were very polite. You can tell that all of them are doing this because they love racing and sharing their passion with other people so the atmosphere is friendly and fun. It is very safe as the instructors are very careful about what the driver is doing and if needed they will step in and make sure you don't crash. Loved every moment of it and I can't recommend it strong enough. PS: in terms of price this is a lot more convenient than other similar experiences around the world.
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KZ Avatar
5 star rating
My husband did the driving on super cars, and experience was fantastic. Thanks to Paul and Chris, you guys made it unforgettable 👍🏻
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Patricia Avatar
5 star rating
Una experiencia inmejorable, un trato 10 y económico para las sensaciones que te hace sentir… GRACIAS por haberme ayudado en la sorpresa a mi pareja!!! Sin duda repetiremos.
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Shane Avatar
5 star rating
Fantastic experience with and for true petrolheads, definitly the place to be for anyone who has a love for cars! Drove the GT3 and the Ferrari, my girlfriend drove the GT-R and had a great experience as a passenger in the Atom!
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Jung1986 Avatar
5 star rating
I was enjoying it from start to the end. Staff are lovely and willing to explain all things they are asked. I choose 2 cars and my mentor was so nice and funny guy joking all the time that helped to get me more relaxed because there is one more thing that can put pressure and is insurance for any damage on car done. Fee is 35 euros and inly cover damage up to 2500 euros and if any asked its not much for one super car but al least is something.I drove Ferrari f1 spider and Nissan gtr and all I have to say is that I can recommended it to anyone that likes fast cars.I will go back as soon as I get chance because everything was perfect and even they give me premision to take some pictures and videos as well so its a plus extra on top on all what's perfect.
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walter Avatar
5 star rating
Vandaag een geweldige ervaring rijker geworden bij supercar Gran Canaria.Gereden met de Ferrari, Mazda mx5 en de Ariel atom.Super mooi en super snel
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Marcin Avatar
5 star rating
Great time on track! I had a pleasure to experience driving Porsche Lotus and Mazda mx5 and hot lap in Atom. Great to be guided on each step of the event by an experienced instructor.On time pickup from the hotel made it even more enjoyable!
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Sean L. Avatar
Sean L.
5 star rating
Vraiment super personnelle au top ça ce voit que ce sont des passionnés de plus il te met vite en confiance ce qui est bien c’est que pas besoin d’avoir le permis pour rouler sur piste avec leur voiture donc parfait pour en faire profiter tout la famille. Il faudrait évidemment parler soit espagnol ou anglais.
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Inspiration743139 Avatar
5 star rating
Increíble experiencia en el circuito. Samir fue el encargado de enseñarme los trucos del circuito y laProfesionalidad intachable. 100% recomendado
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Michael E. Avatar
Michael E.
5 star rating
Wer ein bischen Benzin im Blut hat sollte sich auf jedenfall auf dieses Erlebnis einlassen. Man wird im Vorfeld über die Strecke gefahren und bekommt diese erklärt. Bremspunkte, Einlenkpunkte, wie wird gebremst usw. Ich hatte das Vergnügen mit Sammy, cooler Typ und ein sehr guter Instructor. Wir hatten von Anfang an viel Spass. Ich bin 3 Autos gefahren, Lotus, Nissan GT und Porsche 911. Es war der Hammer. Wer auf Gran Canaria ist, muss hier her.
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Niklas L. Avatar
Niklas L.
5 star rating
Jeg havde en super fed oplevelse hos Supercar Gran Canaria. Jeg blev taget godt i mod af Chris, og blev sat godt ind i de praktiske ting, så som forsikring og nødkontakt.
Jeg havde bestil en to bil oplevelse, og havde allerede besluttet mig for at det skulle være Ferrari 360 og Nissan GT-R, jeg skulle kører i. Samir var min instruktør, vi startede med to opvarmingsrunder i GT-R’en, hvor Samir fortalte om bilen, banen og viste hvordan den skulle køres. Da det var min første oplevelse i biler med over 300 hestekræfter, mente Samir vi skulle tage det roligt til at starte med, og selvom det var med en blid start, sørgede Samir for at jeg nok skulle få trykket godt på speederen under turen.
Sikkerhed går de meget op i hvilket er betrykkende, da de biler jeg kørte i, begge har en topfart over 300 km/t, så hvis ikke der er styr på tingene kan det virkelig gå galt.
Al personalet har været super flinke og imødekommende, og jeg har været super tilfreds med min oplevelse, og kan klart anbefale det til andre.

Det eneste “minus” er at mere vil have mere, så når først de tre omgange er kørt, så følte jeg at vi sagtens kunne have taget 100 mere.
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Stéphane Avatar
5 star rating
Un rêve de gosse qui se réalise, un accueil et un service 5 étoiles! Prise en charge à l'hôtel, puis présentation des voitures et les tours de chauffe avec l'instructeur ( je me rappel plus son nom mais il était extraordinaire, un anglais d'un certaine age😅).Une fois les explications du circuit terminé j'ai pu prendre le volant et mon instructeur m'a poussé pour que je dépasse mes limites c'était magique! Je recommande vraiment cette expérience à tout les amoureux de voiture qui voudrais avoir l'opportunité de conduire des voitures d'exception dans un carde merveilleux! Hâte de revenir pour réitérer l'expérience!
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DAVID R. Avatar
5 star rating
Hoy estuve en el circuito y la experiencia fue espectacular. La atención perfecta, Samir fue el encargado de enseñarme las trazadas del circuito y darme consejos, muy atento y la cordialidad y la profesionalidad inmejorable.Lo recomiendo sin ningún tipo de dudas.
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Romina Avatar
5 star rating
Una experiencia para repetir! Una amplia variedad de coches donde elegir y un circuito espectacular. Muchas gracias a todo el equipo por ofrecer un servicio de mucha calidad. Pude conducir un Ferrari y un Aston Martin sin temor, ya que tenía un copiloto junto a mi pendiente en todo momento. Gracias Paul, eres un gran conductor. Esto me dio seguridad pero también me animaba a ir más rápido. Ofrecen recogida en el hotel sin coste extra. Ya tengo ganas de repetir.
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chili0805 Avatar
5 star rating
My wife drove 1 supercar, an I drove 2, and I do not regret money as it is great to try different sport cars on the track, especially as I would like to own one of those cars. So I know which one I do not want to buy with my money :-). One can feel very different character of each car much more on the track than on the street. Experience in Atom Ariel was excellent, as Chris(owner) drove very fast laps and in the same time I felt very secured. Mazda MX5 was nice to drive, there is no big power under the hood, so one can concentrate more on best possible driving line and handling overall. Only thing to mention is that MX5 cars are right steering, and as this cars are manual, I did concentrate more on left hand shifting than the driving. So I would need more than 8 laps to get security when shifting with my left arm.
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13, 21, 28 марта
4, 11, 18, 25 aпрель
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 май


Circuito de Maspalomas
GC-500, km 46,5 - Salida 37 GC-1
35107 Maspalomas, Gran Canaria




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Затем вы отправитесь на трек, где сможете оценить возможности выбранногосуперкара. Проверяя свои навыки на прмой и поворотах. Вы можете приобрести столько дополнительных кругов, сколько захотите в течении дня. Наши опытные инструктора дадут вам советы по вождению с пассажирского сиденья, что даст вам возможность получить максимум от автомобиля и трассы.

При наличии свободных мест, всегда есть возможность приобрести дополнительные трек-сессии в течении дня. Если вы приедете с семьей и друзьями, они также могут поучаствовать.
Во время поездки вас всегда будет сопровождать один из наших инструкторов, которые дадут советы по технике вождения, торможению, поворотам и т.д.
Может быть приобретен (CDW) столкновение ущерб отказ в размере 25 евро, который освобождает водителя от ответственности за ремонт в сумме превышение суммы до 4000 евро. В противном случае потребуется предварительная авторизация кредитной карты.

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В Supercar Gran Canaria мы приглашаем вас сесть за руль одного из автомобилей вашей мечты, чтобы получить заряд адреналина на несколько кругов по ипподрому Маспаломаса.



В Supercar Gran Canaria мы приглашаем вас сесть за руль одного из автомобилей вашей мечты, чтобы получить заряд адреналина на несколько кругов по ипподрому Маспаломаса.